Fee Structure
Please find below details of the settings fees policy and structure, please contact us directly should you have any questions or to arrange a viewing.
Fees from September 2024
- A £30.00 non-refundable registration fee, for all bookings other than those 100% funded by EYEE/ELP, is required to secure and reserve placements. This can be paid in cash or by BACS to Tom Thumb Nursery 30-92-86 02526878
- £6.80 Per hour for children aged 0-24 months, with a 10% discount £6.12, with a 20% discount £5.44, with a 25% discount £5.10 (see discounts)
- £6.30 Per hour for children aged over 24 months, with a 10% discount £5.67, with a 20% discount £5.04, with a 25% discount £4.73 (see discounts)
- £2.50 For School Lunch, served at 12.00 midday, this is optional, you can send your child in with a packed lunch from home as an alternative, although it must not contain food that requires either cooking or heating up.
- £1.00 for breakfast, served at 8.00am, and £1.50 for Tea, served at 5.00pm, again these are both optional.
Payment of Fees
- All fees are inclusive of morning and afternoon snacks, all drinks (excluding formula), nappies, wipes and sun cream.
- Fees are charged by the hour/half hour (not by the session) and any extra/extended sessions are charged at the same hourly/half hourly rates.
- Bills are issued at the beginning of each month for that month.
- Fees can be made by cash or BACS (details as above and on the monthly invoices). If paying by cash please ask a member of staff for a receipt to serve as proof of payment, as no other proof of payment will be accepted.
- Payment is expected by the 15th of each month. Other payment dates and arrangements (weekly etc) can be arranged in writing with Claire.
- If full payment has not been received by midday on the last working day of the month, then your child’s placement will be suspended until full payment is received, this may result in loss of your child’s place as we have waiting lists for most days.
- Any bad debts (once a child has left) will be referred to the small claims court for collection, any costs of this will be added to the debt.
Notice Periods
- You are required to give four weeks’ notice in writing, if you wish your child to leave Tom Thumb. This notice will be charged in full even if your child doesn’t attend.
- For children claiming either EYEE or ELP, six weeks’ notice in writing is required. Please note if you access the stretched funding offer and leave midterm/year you may be in a situation of owing us for funded hours used, due to the different lengths in each term, and this will be added to your final invoice. Please note if full notice is not given and/or full payment of your final invoice is not paid, this information is given to ESCC and therefore will affect your ability to claim at another setting.
- You are generally required to give four weeks’ notice in writing of any changes to your child’s permanent hours, although exceptions to this may be made by Claire, The Nursery Director.
- Extended sessions and extra sessions can be booked at short notice, written notice is not required for these.
Minimum Hours
- We offer a 10% discount off the total invoice for siblings and a 20% discount off the total invoice for a single booking of 40 hours or more per week.
- For sibling bookings where both children attend 40 hours or more per week the discount is 25%.
- No discount or refund (this includes any meal charges) is given for part attendance of a pre-booked session or sick days or any holidays.
- We will be closed, and do not charge for, all bank holidays, the summer break which this year will be week commencing 4th of August 2025 and the Christmas break which runs from, and includes, Christmas Eve until New Year’s Day.
EYEE and EYLP Funding
- We are registered with OFSTED to deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and therefore can claim the Early Years Education Entitlement and the Early Years Learning Place entitlement from ESCC.
- The universal EYEE, for 3- & 4-year old’s, will pay for a maximum of 570 free hours per year, from the term after your child’s third birthday, your child is automatically entitled to this offer, and you will need to apply through Tom Thumb to access this.
- The extended 30 hours EYEE will pay for an additional 570 hours per year for eligible 3 and 4-year old’s, from the term after their third birthday, you will need to check eligibility and apply online and then provide us with a code to access this funding and then reconfirmed every 12 weeks. This funding will only last for as long as you are eligible.
- The EYLP is available for eligible families of disadvantaged 2-year old’s, from the term after their second birthday, you will need to check eligibility and apply online and then provide us with a code to access this funding.
- From September 2024 EYLP is also available for eligible working families of 9 month old’s, from the term after they turn 9 months, you will need to check eligibility and apply online and then provide us with a code to access this funding and then reconfirmed every 12 weeks. This funding will only last for as long as you are eligible.
- Any hours in addition to the 570/1140 free hours are paid at normal rates.
- All other nursery fees and placement policies and procedures still apply to children claiming their EYEE or EYLP
38-week offer
For a maximum of 15/30 hours per week over a minimum of two days, during school terms.
Funded term time only booking dates are as follows.
9th September 2024 to 20th December 2024 with a break w/c 28th October (total 14 weeks)
Term time only parents can book their children in w/c 2nd September by emailing Claire but there will be no funding that week.
Monday 6th January 2025 to Friday 28th March 2025 with a break w/c 17th February (total 11 weeks)
Term time only parents can book their children in on the 2nd and 3rd of January by emailing Claire but there will be no funding on those 2 days.
Monday 31st March 2025 to Friday 18th July 2025 with breaks w/c 7th & 14th April & 26th May (total 13 weeks)
Term time only parents can book their children in on the 21st & 22nd of July by emailing Claire but there will be no funding on those 2 days.
15 hours funded only bookings can select one of these following options:
- 2 x 9-4.30 days
- 3 x 8-1 days
- 3 x 1-6 days
- 5 x 1-4 days
Stretched offer.
This is only available for families wishing to access the full 30 hours plus additional weekly paid hours. The 38-week funding is then stretched across all the weeks we are open.
Please note there is no funding on the 2nd and 3rd of January 2025, as a full year booking you will be charged full fees on these 2 days unless you email Claire, in advance, to cancel these sessions.
If your child is due funding from September 2024 the 1140 hours are split into 23.5 hours per week over 49 weeks (2nd September 2024 until August 29th 2025)
If your child is due funding from January 2025 the 720 hours are split into 22 hours per week over 33 weeks (January 6th 2025 until August 29th 2025)
If your child is due funding from April 2025 the 390 hours are split into 19 hours per week over 21 weeks (31st March 2025 until August 29th 2025)
Get help paying for your Childcare
Tax-free childcare
- For working families, including the self-employed, in the UK
- Earning under £100k and an average of £167 per week (equal to 16 hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage) each over three months
- Who aren't receiving Tax Credits, Universal Credit or childcare vouchers
- With children aged 0-11 (or 0-16 if disabled)
- For every £8 you pay into an online account, the government will add an extra £2, up to £2,000 per child per year.
You apply for this at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
15 hours funded childcare for families of disadvantaged 2-year-olds.
The government offers funded childcare to families with disadvantaged 2-year-olds. This may include you if you or your partner:
- receive benefits, allowances or other government support.
- have a disability or if your child has a disability.
- arrived from another country and cannot claim benefits.
You apply for this at www.eastsussex.gov.uk/children-families/childcare/funding/apply
15 hours funded childcare for working families with 2-year-olds (and 9-month-olds from Sept 2024)
Working parents and carers of 2-year old’s may be entitled to 15 hours of funded childcare. But you will need to meet certain conditions, like:
- each partner in your household works at least 16 hours a week.
- each partner in your household earns at least £139 a week.
- neither partner in your household earns over £100,000 per year
- if you’re a single-parent family, you’ll need to meet the same criteria.
You apply for this at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
15 hours funded childcare for 3- & 4-year-olds
All families – the universal offer
Everyone can claim 15 hours a week of funded childcare when their children are 3-4 years old. And this continues until they start school - even if that’s past their fifth birthday.
You apply through a childcare provider for this.
30 hours funded childcare for 3- & 4-year-olds
Working parents and carers can get an extra 15 hours of funded childcare for their 3–4-year-olds.
This means you would get 30 hours a week in total. But you’ll need to meet certain conditions, like:
- each partner in your household works at least 16 hours a week.
- each partner in your household earns at least £139 a week.
- neither partner in your household earns over £100,000 per year
- if you’re a single-parent family, you’ll need to meet the same criteria.
If your family doesn’t meet the income levels, you might still get the extended offer if you get benefits or other support.
You apply for this at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
Tax credits for childcare.
- For working families, in the UK
- With children under 16 (or under 17 if disabled)
- 70% of childcare costs, up to a cap
- If you cannot make a new claim for Tax Credits, you may be able to apply for Universal Credit instead.
For more information see www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
Universal credit for childcare
- For working families claiming Universal Credit, in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales
- With children under 17*
- Up to 85% of eligible childcare costs
- Who are not receiving Tax-Free Childcare
For more information see www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
Support while you study.
- Weekly payments from Care to Learn if you are at school or sixth form college.
- Help through your college if you are in further education.
- A weekly grant if you are in full-time higher education.
For more information see www.childcarechoices.gov.uk